Apply Online

If you would like to apply to join CiC, you can do so using the links on this page.

The application process normally takes between 4 - 6 weeks and consists of 5 stages.


To comply with the Charity Commission, and to enable the independent church sector to integrate with more established institutions, CiC only accepts an organisation as a member, and then accredits the ministers of the organisation.

In the case of a church, this is relatively straightforward. The church joins CiC and each minister or pastor is then accredited by CiC. If or when a minister is no longer in post, the church remains a member of CiC and can nominate a new minister for accreditation.

It is for this reason that we require ministry leaders or chaplains to ensure that their ministry or chaplaincy is set up as an organisation. Structurally this may take the form of a decision-making Board being in place or having a council of reference. Financially this may mean having a designated bank account or registering the organisation as a charity or business entity.

Please note that it is a condition for all healthcare, prison and HMAF chaplains to have a Board or council of reference in place. This is due to the regulations in place in the aforementioned areas of chaplaincy.

Stage 1: Application

With the exception of chaplaincy, two application forms are required. 

Form A:  For the organisation joining. 

Form B:  For the details of each minister requiring accreditation.

Once the forms are received by CiC, they will be reviewed by a member of our team, who will make an initial evaluation as to whether your application is likely to be successful.

Stage 2: Acknowledgement

You will then receive an acknowledgement, which also sets out the next steps of the application process.

Stage 3: Application payment and further information

We ask every organisation joining CiC to pay a one-off £50 application processing fee, and to provide a number of pieces of documentation:

For the lead minister or chaplain:

  • letters of recommendation from at least two locally-respected ministers;

  • proof of identity (UK passport, UK driving licence, UK Residency Permit or immigration documents)

  • if a non-UK passport holder, evidence of the right to work

  • bank/building society statement and utility (not mobile phone) bill – both less than 3 months’ old; at least one with your current address

  • proof of DBS check (less than 3 years’ old)

  • a copy of marriage certificate (if applicable)

  • a passport-style electronic photo – to go on your CiC membership card.  This should not be a scan of an actual passport photo, but a passport-style photo taken on your phone or other electronic device;

  • *a certificate confirming attendance and completion of Foundation/Level 3 or equivalent in children and adults safeguarding training during the last 3-years.

For the Church or Ministry (if applicable):

  • a copy of the constitution/registration document

  • a copy of the latest Annual report

  • a copy of the safeguarding policy

  • current publicity leaflets

* For ministers who are yet to complete Foundation/Level 3 or equivalent training in children and adults safeguarding, we allow a period of 6-months following membership to achieve this. Training can be arranged through an organisation like thirtyone:eight and CiC runs several safeguarding courses throughout the year.

Stage 4: Interview

Once we have received the documentation and application fee, we will then be in touch to arrange a mutually agreeable date and time for your application interview, which will usually take place by Zoom. The interview normally takes between 1 – 2 hours, depending on the size of the organisation that is joining.

Stage 5: Outcome and payment

Within two weeks of the interview, we will write to inform you of our decision. If successful, we request payment of the annual subscription. Once payment is received, the membership documentation (a letter, membership card and certificate) is dispatched.




Waverley Abbey Applications