
Our vision at CiC is to see a culturally relevant church within everyone’s reach, worldwide.

CiC serves a wide range of independent churches, from new church plants to large established ethnic minority churches.

Benefits of Membership


The lead minister and any assistant ministers will receive ministerial accreditation from CiC and an identification card. Accredited ministers will have the opportunity to sit with a member of the CiC Council annually, to discuss progress and set clear goals for the coming year.



Member churches can minister confidently in the public square in the knowledge that their interests are being represented by CiC to government, media, academia, inter-faith and inter-church forums.



CiC celebrates diversity and independence - reflected in our member-led structure.  We are here to facilitate opportunities for ministers to fellowship together and offer mutual support and encouragement.



  • Under 100 church members.

    £378 / year

    £31.50 / month

  • Between 101 - 250 church members.

    £756 / year

    £63 / month

  • Large Church subscriptions will be calculated separately on a case by case basis.


New members must pay their subscription upfront for the year.

If membership is cancelled during the first year, no refund will apply.

Application processing fee
We have a one-off £50 application processing fee. This is collected after your application form is submitted to us and reviewed by a member of our team who will make an initial evaluation as to whether your application is likely to be successful.

Membership covers one accredited minister for the church.

Additional assistant minister’s can be accredited for your church at £18.90/month each.

What our church members say

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CiC is unlike any other network I have explored!

The expectations of membership are clear and really well thought through, serving to facilitate rather than regulate my ministry.

CiC places a strong emphasis on relationships and mutual encouragement, providing precious opportunities such as the Ministers’ Fellowship to meet and connect with like-minded people from a wide variety of ministries.

The peer reviews and accountability structures are excellent – helping me to set clear ministry targets and clarify my vision for the year ahead.

- Pastor Keith Dolding, The Well, Reading, Berkshire