🗓 CiC Annual Members' Meeting - 18 November

This week, I wanted to take the opportunity to invite you to the Annual Members' Meeting (AMM), which is taking place next month.  

What is it?
One of our founding principles, which remains a core objective, is to represent the independent church sector and facilitate its growth.  Although there are many other networks seeking to achieve the same, CiC is somewhat unique.  Rather than a hierarchical leadership structure, deciding what we should or shouldn't do, CiC is member-led. This means that it's our members that ultimately determine the direction and activity of the organisation. The AMM is the forum that helps this to happen.  At the meeting, our members will be provided with the information to:

  • agree the budget;

  • elect the new council members that will carry out annual reviews;

  • and hold the executive and board to account for the progress made since the last AMM.

Furthermore, it's also an opportunity to understand our growth, explore future goals and see/meet other members of the organisation.

Who should attend?
The lead representatives of member organisations are required to attend, at least once every two years. 

So if you didn't manage to attend in 2020, you really need to make sure the next AMM is in the diary.  Aside from an annual review, attending the AMM is one of the other commitments agreed to when signing up for membership.  To make the event as accessible as possible, we have transitioned it to Zoom.

How do I register my place?
Booking is essential.  Please follow this link to register your place.  Once booked, you will receive the Zoom details to enable attendance on 18th November, 10:30am-12:30pm.  Prior to the event, the CiC office will be in contact with some important information about the new council members that have been nominated for election.  

Is there anything else I need to know?
Not that I can think of.  However, if I've missed something, or if you have any questions, please email the CiC office contact@cicinternational.org  

I look forward to seeing you on 18th November at 10:30am.

Yours in Christ,

Paul Garratt
CEO, CiC International

CiC International