The next Ministers' Fellowship

It's a joy to invite you to the next online Ministers' Fellowship on 14th July, 11am - 12:30pm.  

The line-up is particularly exciting!

At the event we are pleased to welcome special guest Darren Richards, Director of Engagement at Mercy Ships, who will update us on the work of this extraordinary ministry and its impact on those requiring medical help in the developing world.

I will be speaking into our theme of Here to Serve, with what I hope(!) will be a thought-provoking and challenging message.  Sadly, conflict with brothers and sisters in Christ is an inevitable aspect of service.  However, the Bible teaches us how to steward tension and move forward when relationships are strained.  Together we will explore:

  • How to disagree agreeably

  • Achieving unity in diversity

  • The difference between division and divorce

Interested?  I hope so.

Please click here to book your place.

However, I really want to highlight and celebrate the opportunity we have to worship together.  I don't know what your experience of online church has been like, but the one thing I have missed, above all else, is the ability to worship.  There's a big difference between singing to a computer screen and participating in worship!  Worship leader and CiC member Phil Woolley has somehow managed to make it possible via Zoom, and I really hope you can attend and experience this for yourself!

Finally, one of CiC's core objectives is to create opportunities for mutual encouragement.  After the hardships of the past year, I'm aware that many have experienced loneliness and isolation.  The Ministers' Fellowship is an ideal opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces, or, if you are new to CiC, to make new acquaintances with other ministers in the independent church sector.  

We look forward to welcoming you on 14th July at 11am.

Yours in Christ,

Paul Garratt
Churches in Communities International

CiC International