Annual Reviews 2023 - Why are they beneficial?

There are many reasons why increasing numbers of independent ministers in the church sector are joining CiC.  Ministerial accreditation is one of the most important.  

CiC provides formal accreditation which is recognised and respected by church denominations and public bodies. This means our members can minister confidently with their peers in the public square.  

Our accreditation is not based on academic attainment or formal training, but on a proven track-record of consistent and effective ministry.  This requires each of us to be willing to give an account of our work to a fellow member through an annual review.

The annual review is an accountability process on which ministerial accreditation is based.

But there is so much more to the annual review than simply meeting a requirement.  Over the years, we have come to understand that the annual review is a distinct aspect of our network, which can make a significant difference to the lives and work of our members.

Having carried out many reviews over the years, there are three consistent benefits that I hear members articulating following an annual review:

  1. Feeling heard
    As ministers, we are often in the role of listening to others.  There is little opportunity to swap roles.  Yet, how awesome it is to sit with a peer whose sole focus is to intentionally listen to us share about the ups and downs of Christian ministry in this fast-changing world.  Often, as we simply verbalise what is on our heart, we invariably make sense of problems, unravel conflicting emotions and just feel better for having been heard.  I know of other settings where professionals will pay a lot of money to have a space to speak and be heard!

  2. Pause and reflect
    Given the pace of life (and ministry) in the western world, years can often fly by without us taking stock of what we have achieved and whether we are on-track to reach the long-term destination.  The annual review is a bit like hitting the pause button and allowing a fellow brother or sister in Christ to help us explore our mission and purpose.  Often, we leave the process with a renewed sense of direction and a set of goals to help ensure we are moving forward.

  3. Encouragement
    God knew that people ministry would be tough and that's why we see examples throughout the Bible of friendships and partnerships for kingdom work.  I see the annual review as exposure to encouragement, positivity and the affirmation we need to do all that God has asked us to do.  It's for this reason that we place an emphasis on prayer as part of the review, so that a peer can remind us of God's promises in His word.

So, as you can see, the annual review is not only central to our accreditation process, but vital for the ongoing wellbeing of our members.

I trust that as your allocated council member reaches out to you to arrange your annual review, you will make every effort to avail yourself. 

We trust that the annual review will be of great value to you and the ministry work that cic has accredited you for. 

Every blessing

Tony GK
CiC National Coordinator

Annie Lamping