Upcoming online meetings
Dear Members,
Over the past few weeks, the team at CiC have been tremendously encouraged to learn how our members have adapted to the challenges caused by COVID-19 and stepped up to make a difference in the lives of those most affected.
To help inform your plans and encourage best practice, we've been working hard to try and share relevant information each week in a really accessible and usable way.
Following feedback from our members, we also recognise that the recent Zoom meetings have proved to be highly significant and helpful during this challenging season. Not only is there a wealth of wisdom and practical insight within our membership, but the online meetings have helped to establish a sense of community and belonging.
Therefore, we hope you are encouraged to know that, in addition to regular email updates, we are continuing to facilitate opportunities for members to meet and encourage one another.
Please see the list of next online meetings below and click here to book your place.
Healthcare Chaplaincy | Tuesday 21 July - 11am - 11:45am
Ministry Leaders | Tuesday 21 July - 7:30pm - 8:15pm
Church Leaders | Tuesday 4 August - 11am - 11:45am
Prison Chaplaincy | Tuesday 4 August - 7:30pm - 8:15pm
Military Chaplaincy | Date & Time TBC
We hope to see you online very soon.
Yours in Christ,
Paul Garratt